Listen to a Sample of Lutsi

This page contains a short excerpt of a recording of Lutsi speaker Jāzeps Germovs and a transcript of this recording created some decades after the original recording was made in 1971. Germovs lived in Lielie Tjapši near the town of Pilda south of Ludza and was born in 1898. He was 73 at the time of this recording and this recording was made in Ludza.

As discussed elsewhere on this site, Lielie Tjapši was the last place where Lutsi was actively spoken. In this excerpt Germovs is interacting with researchers Aino Valmet and Paulopriit Voolaine. (For more information about P. Voolaine and his extensive work with the Lutsis click here.) Valmet and Voolaine primarily speak in Russian with Germovs in the recording. The transcript, which is written using the conventions of the Finno-Ugric transcription system, was prepared by Tuuli Tuisk in 2007.

The excerpt of the recording and transcript appears on this site thanks to the kind permission of the University of Tartu Archives of Estonian Dialects and Kindred Languages (Tartu Ülikooli eesti murrete ja sugulaskeelte arhiiv). The original full-length recording is indexed as F0157-04 and the accompanying full length transcript is indexed as MKT0224 in the archive. The University of Tartu Archives of Estonian Dialects and Kindred Languages hold all rights to this recording and transcript.

Click here for the transcript and click below the photo to listen to the recording.

The photo (from the Estonian National Museum, indexed as ERM_Fk_756_93) was taken by August Sang in 1936 in Lielie Tjapši and most likely shows Jāzeps Germovs standing with his wife and children.